solos engineering GmbH

General Information

Company Name:  solos engineering GmbH

Company Website:

Given Name and Surname of the contact window: Ulrich Preß

Country in which the company is located: Germany

Products or services offered: patented bicycle lock

Type of business contacts looking for: end customers, bike manufacturers

Company profile:

We are a young company from Munich (Germany) and have developed a patented bicycle lock concept that uses the seat post as an intelligent transportation solution. To do this, it was necessary to break completely new ground. A completely new arrangement of the lock's folding segments made it possible to achieve a slim design. Nevertheless, both product components achieve high security standards, which has been proven by numerous tests. The team is led by Uli Press, the inventor and founder of UPLOCK®. Production is organized together with an internationally experienced partner here in Germany. We attach great importance to resource-conserving supply chains, materials and manufacturing processes.